One Piece Episode 1

 I was speaking with my friend, Jerrick, who is a huge anime fan earlier this week. He was wearing a striking yellow sun hat with a red band, so I asked him where it was from. He began to explain to me how it was from the anime called One Piece and how that show is his favorite anime of all time. Jerrick said there were over 1000 episodes total since 2006. 

I was intrigued by the show and how cool he made it sound, so I decided to watch the first episode today. I was intrigued by the show's flamboyant attire and exaggerated characters. From the first episode alone, it was hard to develop a great understanding for the plot, but I am excited to continue exploring anime with this new show, especially because the last anime that I watched did not end up being that good. 

One Piece (TV series) - Wikipedia


  1. エピソードが一千回ぐらいあるんですか??うわー!このアニメはとてもゆうめいだそうだけど、私は見たことがありません。たぶんいつか見るかもしれません!


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