One Piece episode 3

 The third episode of one piece focused on Zoro joining the crew and the little kid having the chance to enter the navy. I learned about some forbidden fruits and the ancient pirate who left the one piece treasure. In the plot, it seems like there is also a red headed girl who is seeking out the same treasure as the crew. I anticipate that there Will be some type of clash amongst these two intertwined plots in the coming episodes. 

Although I initially only started watching the show because my friend suggested it, One Piece is definitely growing on me: the short span of each episode makes if easy to watch even with a busy schedule, and the plot is quiete entertaining. I’m excited to see how the crew keeps going, but also because there are around 1000 episodes, I’m curious to see how they extend the plot for so long.


  1. ぜんぶを見られないかもしれなくて、One Piece がながすぎると思います。おもしろそうですね!


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