I was listening to my music on shuffle this morning in the library while studying, and a song from Totoro came on. I have listened to this soundtrack many times, but this time, I was able to identify some words that I have been studying no less than 30 minutes earlier. The line that I heard was, "森の中に...". I couldn't identify the rest of that line, but I was just surprised at the fact that I was able to recognize that they were talking about something within a forest. 

In the past, I may have purposefully played my Japanese playlist and been able to recognize some words, but this required conscious effort to monitor for words that I knew. However, the Totoro song came on randomly, and I was able to identify the words without consciously trying to do so. For me, this was a moment of great joy because it was the first time that this subconscious recognition has happened: music is one of the hardest areas to pick up words because artists use slang and speak so quickly; thus, hopefully this is a sign that my Japanese is improving. :) 


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