Pretender by Hige Dandism

 Pretender is a song that I began listening to a few years ago during my rowing workouts. For some reason, maybe the beat or rhythm of the lyrics, it has always gotten me very hyped for workouts, so I listened to it this morning during a tough leg session.


  1. After listening to it, I can see why it can get you hype for workouts, I got some hype just sitting at my desk

  2. Just last night I made a playlist with a mix of Japanese songs I known for a while and really like and ones I've just discovered, and I think this would make a worthy edition! このうたのリズムは とても たのしくて にぎやかです!

  3. うたをきくのが好きです! I've listened to a couple of songs by this group, and they are definitely energetic. I highly recommend "Cry Baby", a song also by the same group.

  4. I've listened to this group before, but not this song! It's great though, will be putting it on my playlist. :)

  5. Thank you for this great recommendation, now I can wake up motivated for my 6am workouts now. #neverlate


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